Postpartum hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage

Course Duration

3 Hours




The learner should be able to:

  • Recognize rapidly clinical signs of “postpartum hemorrhage”.
  • Mobilize available resources that allow the management of Postpartum Hemorrhage according to reference algorithm
  • Recognize the clinical signs of uterine atony.
  • Start basic resuscitation
  •  Coordinate the implementation of clinical and biological monitoring with the team
  • Perform a systematic uterine revision while respecting the rules of rigorous asepsis
  • Perform a vaginal exam while respecting the rules of asepsis and the safety of the parturient.
  • Perform uterine massage to promote uterine tonicity.
  • Maintain a safe uterine globe by placing a sandbag on the uterine fundus.
  • Insert a catheter in the bladder while respecting the strict asepsis rules.
  •  Administer uterotonics drugs according to the reference protocols.
  •  Ensure rigorous monitoring of hemodynamic stability.


Program details

32-year-old woman, 3rd gesture 2nd parity with 40 weeks of amenorrhea (Blood group: O positive). Without antecedent.
She came to the maternity ward at 3 am with amniotic fluid discharge for 2 hours and pelvic pain.